Sunday, March 6, 2011

We are our own worst enemies...

As I finished Under the Dome and got the real picture of what King was talking about, I realized how bad people can really be. We go about our lives just fine, usually, but every once in awhile we see the true side of those around us. For example, in Under the Dome, before the city was under a dome Jim Rennie was just a normal used car salesman and most people trusted him and only a few saw past his charade. Then when the crisis started, all of sudden Rennie wanted control and got it. More and more people started to realized his fake behavior but usually not soon enough to prevent harm from coming to them or those around them. The longer the people were under the dome the more catastrophic events happened and all of them were caused, not by the dome itself, but by the peoples reactions to the dome. If the people would have been calm, non-controling, and less psychotic then they probably could have lived peaceable under the dome until they ran out of air, food, or water. However, that wouldn't have been very human of them.

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