Sunday, March 6, 2011

Under the Dome

I think I'm officially a Stephen King fan. I've read so many books by him and they always make an impression and tend to stick with me for a long time. I love how King's books are so thought out and long. I love the way he ends his book with an idea that might have been briefly foreshadowed or introduced previously but that wasn't really recognized until the last couple of pages. Usually after I read the last few pages of Stephen King's books, I realized what he was trying to say the entire novel and I'm disappointed that I didn't get the idea sooner. However, that is what makes King's novels fantastic. He tells the reader the story and drags them along but then he makes sure that they understand exactly what he wants them to understand. We can make our assumptions all we want about what he is getting at, but we know that the last few pages will let us know. More than the way the ideas are introduced, I love the ideas themselves. They are always so true and able to relate to. If you haven't read a single Stephen King novel besides, The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon, I recommend you read another one.

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