Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Sister's Keeper

"And if your parents have your for a reason, than that reason better exist. Because once it's gone, so are you." (page 8, My Sister's Keeper)

I just started My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. I'm only on page thirty but I already know that this book will make me cry and think. Just from the beginning Anna's (main character and little sister) situation is double sided and horrible. How would anyone like to be told that she was born so that her sister may live? That, even though she is loved, she was hand picked for her genetic similarities to her sister? The other side is, how could Anna allow her sister (Kate, the one with acute promyelocytic leukemia) die just because she didn't get a choice to choose whether she wanted to give Kate blood cells, bone marrow, and eventually her kidney?

All I can think about is my sister and I and what I would do if I was in Anna's situation. How would I handle being born to harvest parts for someone else? Would I ever choose to allow my sister to die just because I had never gotten a choice in the matter? At this point I can't imagine not giving up everything to allow my sister to live, but I wasn't born for my sister. It is hard to imagine.

So far it's a really good book, I'm already addicted and I've barely started. I can't wait to see what Anna decides and how it is decided.

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