Wednesday, December 15, 2010

People are not fish....

"Even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if he kept his mouth shut."  ~Author Unknown

It's true, as soon as we open our mouths we are putting ourselves in the position to say a wrong thing and get into trouble.  But is trouble such a bad thing?

I have a large mouth when I feel like something unfair and not right is happening to me or those around me. But if something isn't said then, yes, nobody would get in trouble but also nothing would change. What if Rosa Parks would have shut her mouth and moved from her seat? I am not at all comparing myself to Rosa Parks. All I am saying is, my entire life I have gotten in trouble for the arguments I get into. I know by now that I may get fired from jobs and I may lose the respect of my bosses and peers but is it really a bad thing if something changes in the long run? I guess the key is to learn to pick our battles, something I haven't quite mastered yet. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think getting in trouble is worth the risk, you wont get walked all over.
