Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Kite Runner

I just finished The Kite Runner. If you haven't read it, you should. It was a fantastic book with a great ending that atoned for sins in a good way. Even though the novel's setting and content was so far from anything in my life, I still felt like I connected to the novel in a few ways.

Amir (the main character) lost his best friend (Hassan). I know that we have probably all felt the loss of a friend but what really ticked me off about Amir was that he didn't even attempt to reconcile his friendship, in fact he did the opposite and tried harder to break the ties between Hassan and him. Being a person who speaks my mind too much, I find this extremely annoying in a character. It was hard for me to continue to read about somebody whom I saw as a coward and dishonest. However, the longer I read the novel the more I saw similarities between me and the character that annoyed me, Amir. I realized that I too was allowing a friend to be lost because of situations (much different from Amir and Hassan's) and even though I tried in the beginning, I gave up. I was annoyed at Amir's cowardliness until I discovered that I was doing the same thing, less obviously, and also couldn't manage to stop, just like Amir.

It's extremely hard to see our mistakes in life. I think that is why I love reading so much. I connect or don't connect with certain characters and I usually have no idea why until the end of the book when I all of a sudden understand that I am just like them in a certain way. Amir made me understand the cowardliness we all have in certain situations.

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