Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tree Climbing...Blog Post #3

I live surrounded by woods on three sides of my house. When I was a kid, 3rd grade and up, my playground was those woods. I don't think my parents agreed but I couldn't be stopped. I would sneak out of my house in the middle of the day and imagine I was a soldier on a secret mission(yes, I'm a girl) or just read in a tree. One day I stopped hiding out in the woods. I guess I realized it was childish or just stopped enjoying getting dirty like a boy.

Years later, my sister and I were exploring in these same woods. I was taking her to all the places I used to hide out and play. I was telling her how it looked years before and how used to, "I could race through these woods sooo fast!" She was giving me the, "Okay, little sister" look so I stopped and we went exploring further and further into the woods. There was a spot were the rocks were so numerous and placed just right, to look like a graveyard. Then there was a very interesting looking tree which just happened to be perfect for tree climbing.

Leah and I climbed up this tree, laughing and struggling until we finally made it to the perfect sitting position. We sat there for a few minutes just chillaxing and listening to the complete silence and utter loudness of the woods. I jumped out of the tree first, being the younger and more impatient one. I looked back and Leah looked scared. "What's wrong?" I asked because she wasn't getting down but she wasn't talking either. "I'm scared, I don't think I can jump, Sara!" "Leah, It's okay! Look, it's only like four feet. Just grab my hand and jump. You'll be okay." She looked at me. She looked at the ground. She started crying. She grabbed my hand and then she jumped. 

She was still holding on to me as we both stood on the ground. Standing a foot or two higher than me but looking at me with a look so different from the "Okay, little sister" look from before. Then we both started laughing. "Wow, that really was only 4 feet. What was I thinking? Thanks..." "Haha, it's okay." 

We walked back to our house laughing and talking. I couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a time when I wasn't viewed as the little sister, ever. It was a stupid wish, but I wanted to be older, more mature and on the same level as my sister who is three years older than me. I honestly can't say my wish has changed much over the years. Leah is a lot to look up to.   


  1. I totally feel you on that one, I have two older sisters and I've always waited for the day where I no longer get the, "Oh! You're Kylea's little sister!" It's tough, but we're so important to them :) Even if they don't always tell us in the most loving ways... They couldn't live without us. I think with me knowing how it feels to feel insignificant makes my relationship with my little brother more special, because I never want him to feel unimportant and insignificant like I've felt.

  2. Yeah I know how you feel Sara. Thats how I feel with my brother, I really dont like it when my teachers had him. I think thats the worst.
